Lesson 35 from my course How to Kickstart Your First Documentary.
This lesson delves deep into the various strategies you can use to unlock your creativity and get those ideas flowing. It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new perspectives, allowing for fresh and innovative ideas to emerge. With a few practical tips on how to step back to combat creative stagnation. So if you're feeling stuck or in need of a motivator. Lesson 35 is here to help you unleash that creative floodgate! We all face creative blocks every now and then As artists, it can be so frustrating when our inspiration runs into an abyss and we find ourselves unable to produce what we want, or procrastination is the block. Yet artistic blocks are a natural part of the creative process. They are not a sign of failure or lack of talent. Rather, they are an opportunity for growth and exploration. They are there for us to sit back and examine and reflect. Remember that creativity cannot be forced. Sometimes it needs time and space to flourish. Allow yourself that time Try taking a step back and engaging in activities that bring you different happiness. Take a walk in nature, read a book, listen to music, make lovely cakes ... I needed some space, so I went to my village in France and created a stone-rock garden. I filmed it, and as I worked I made up a narrative and came home so inspired and roaring to go. This experiences sparked my new inspiration and re-ignited my creative fire. (Photo above - The Tuchan Garden.) It's also helpful to explore new mediums or techniques Consider trying something completely different from your usual style or subject matter. By pushing boundaries and experimenting with unfamiliar territory, you can break free from the constraints of your artistic block. (I use the digital story more frequently when blocked. Even if it is a two minute ditty - See my Youtube channel) Seek support from other artists Sharing your struggles and hearing how others have overcome similar challenges can be incredibly empowering. Collaboration and feedback can breathe new life into your work and help you see things from a fresh perspective. (I often spend time with others discussing our work and how we work. Linkedin is great for this.) The next time you find yourself blocked artistically remember that it's just a temporary setback. Embrace the opportunity for growth. Just stop, turn off your computer, shut your book, put your paints away for a moment and KNOW that your artistic journey will continue to evolve. #creativity #artisticblock #inspiration #growth #artistjourney''' Have a good week. And check out the workshops I offer and my other Doc-Blogs Jeanne My latest film - Le Temps des Vendangeurs will be playing in Tuchan, France, on the 8th December 2023
Jeanne PopeFilmmaker, teacher, traveller and storyteller
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